Thursday, February 24, 2011

hey!everybody,this is my second post as part of our remote sensing assignments and activities.We performed an exciting experiment with a GPS equipment in our campus.We were divided into 2 groups of 6 people each.Our remote sensing teacher introduced us to the basics of the equipment and told us to find the distance between our academic block and the aerospace block and also to use the gps equipment to get the route to the starting point from the final point.We marked the starting point coordinates (latitude and longitude and also the elevation) and proceeded to the final point.On our way we could also see the speed with which we were travelling.To our surprise we were at an elevation of more than 100 metres.On reaching the final point we marked that point and also noted its coordinates.There was an option to find routes.In that option we selected the starting waypoint.It showed the routes and us to the starting point with the help of an arrow that guided us with direction.We also explored various other features that were available in the gps.Some features were -
1)Sun-set and sunrise time
6)No of satellites

initial position coordinates are:

N 08D 37' 29.7"
E 077D 01' 56.3"

elevation 102m

final position coordinates are:

N 08D 37' 32.2"
E 077D 02' 02.5"

elevation 107m

1 degree of latitude corresponds to a distance of 111 km on the ground.
1 degree of longitude corresponds to a distance of 111*cos(latitude) on the ground.
North South distance is 77.08 metres
East West distance is 189.3 metres.
The actual straight line distance between the two points is 204 metres

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